Unitos Brand Guidelines
Resources of Unitos brand, logo, colors and more.
Leave plenty of space around Unitos resources. Let them be big or small, but let them have room to breathe. Do not squash them or stretch the Unitos logo/icon/wordmark unevenly. All Unitos brand assets are legally registered and under copyright so follow the guide correctly to avoid running into legal problems.
The Unitos wordmark should be used in all references to Unitos as space allows. Usage is preferred with the brand colors below.
For tight layouts or logo-only grids, the Unitos logo is a concise way to refer to Unitos. Use with good judgment for your audience, as the Unitos wordmark has stronger brand recognition.
Unitos’s primary brand color is the dark blue. The following cyan and dark accents are preferred for monochrome wordmark usage.
Dark blue
RGB 37, 100, 207
RGB 37, 100, 207
Dark Gray
RGB 37, 100, 207
This is the icon that is used for the future unitos app, so as to have a recognizable brand line based on the main colors.